How to Change Your Instagram Password If Someone Changed It

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with millions of users worldwide. However, like any online platform, it is susceptible to security breaches. One common issue that users face is someone changing their Instagram password without their knowledge or consent. This can be a distressing situation, but don’t worry, because in this blog post, we will guide you through the process of changing your Instagram password even if someone else has already changed it.

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The Challenge of Changing Your Instagram Password

Changing your Instagram password can be quite challenging, especially when someone else has already changed it. Instagram has implemented stringent security measures to protect user accounts, but sometimes unauthorized individuals can still gain access to them. When someone changes your Instagram password, it can feel like a violation of your privacy and personal space. However, it is important not to panic and take immediate action to regain control of your account.

Things You Should Prepare for

Before you begin the process of changing your Instagram password, there are a few things you should prepare for. First, make sure you have access to a computer or smartphone with an internet connection. You will need to access the Instagram website or app to change your password. Additionally, have the email address or phone number associated with your Instagram account on hand. This information will be crucial for verifying your identity and regaining access to your account.

Method 1: How to Change Your Instagram Password via the Website

To change your Instagram password via the website, follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer and visit the Instagram website.
2. Click on the "Log In" button.
3. On the login page, enter your username and click on the "Forgot password?" link.
4. Instagram will ask you to enter the email address or phone number associated with your account. Enter the required information and click on the "Reset Password" button.
5. Check your email or phone for a password reset link or code from Instagram. Follow the instructions provided to reset your password.
6. Once you have successfully reset your password, you will be able to log in to your Instagram account using the new password.


1. Easy to reset password.1. Requires access to email or phone associated with the account.
2. Provides a secure method for regaining control of your account.2. May take some time to receive the password reset link or code.
3. Can be done from any computer with internet access.3. Requires remembering the email or phone associated with the account.

Method 2: How to Change Your Instagram Password via the App

To change your Instagram password via the app, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
2. Tap on the "Forgot password?" link on the login page.
3. Enter the email address or phone number associated with your Instagram account and click on the "Reset Password" button.
4. Check your email or phone for a password reset link or code from Instagram. Follow the instructions provided to reset your password.
5. Once you have successfully reset your password, you can log in to your Instagram account using the new password.


1. Easy to reset password.1. Requires access to email or phone associated with the account.
2. Provides a convenient method for regaining control of your account.2. May take some time to receive the password reset link or code.
3. Can be done directly from your smartphone.3. Requires remembering the email or phone associated with the account.

Method 3: How to Change Your Instagram Password via Two-Factor Authentication

If you have enabled two-factor authentication on your Instagram account, you can use this method to change your password. Here’s how:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or smartphone and visit the Instagram website.
2. Click on the "Log In" button.
3. On the login page, enter your username and click on the "Forgot password?" link.
4. Instagram will ask you to enter the email address or phone number associated with your account. Enter the required information and click on the "Reset Password" button.
5. Select the option to reset your password via two-factor authentication.
6. Follow the prompts provided by Instagram to complete the password reset process.


1. Provides an additional layer of security for your account.1. Requires access to email or phone associated with the account.
2. Offers a secure method for regaining control of your account.2. May take some time to receive the password reset link or code.
3. Requires the use of an additional authentication method.3. Requires remembering the email or phone associated with the account.

Method 4: How to Change Your Instagram Password via Support

If the above methods don’t work or you still encounter difficulties in changing your Instagram password, you can turn to Instagram support for help. Here’s what you can do:

1. Open a web browser on your computer and visit the official Instagram Help Center.
2. Navigate to the "Login issues" section.
3. Select the appropriate options that best describe your situation.
4. Follow the instructions provided by Instagram support to resolve the issue and regain control of your account.


1. Provides personalized assistance for changing your password.1. May take longer to receive a response from Instagram support.
2. Can address specific issues related to your account.2. Requires providing relevant information to verify your identity.
3. Gives you access to professional support for account recovery.3. Response time may vary depending on support workload.

Why Can’t I Change My Instagram Password?

There can be several reasons why you might be unable to change your Instagram password. Here are three possible reasons and their fixes:

1. Reason: I Forgot My Email or Phone Number
Fix: Try different email addresses or phone numbers that you may have used during the account setup process. If you still can’t remember, try to recover your email account or contact your phone service provider for assistance.

2. Reason: My Account Has Been Hacked
Fix: If you suspect that someone has gained unauthorized access to your Instagram account, report the issue immediately. Use the "Need more help? Contact us" option on the Instagram Help Center to reach out for support.

3. Reason: Instagram’s Reset Password Link or Code Is Not Working
Fix: Double-check that you entered the correct email address or phone number during the password reset process. If the link or code still doesn’t work, try clearing your browser cache or using a different browser.

Additional Tips

Here are three additional tips to help you in changing your Instagram password effectively:

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: By enabling two-factor authentication, you add an extra layer of security to your Instagram account. This will help prevent unauthorized access and make it easier to recover your account if needed.

2. Use a Strong Password: Choose a password that is unique and difficult for others to guess. Combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters to create a strong and secure password.

3. Update Your Recovery Information: Regularly review and update the email address and phone number associated with your Instagram account. This will ensure that you can easily recover your account in case of any issues.

5 FAQs about Changing Your Instagram Password

Q1: Can I change my Instagram password without access to the email or phone number associated with my account?

A: Unfortunately, changing your Instagram password without access to the associated email or phone number is difficult. It is crucial to keep your recovery information up to date to avoid such situations. However, you can try reaching out to Instagram support for additional assistance.

Q2: How long does it take to receive the Instagram password reset link or code?

A: The time it takes to receive the Instagram password reset link or code may vary. It usually depends on factors such as email delivery speed or service provider delays. If you don’t receive the reset link or code within a reasonable timeframe, consider checking your spam or junk folder.

Q3: Can I change my Instagram password using a different device?

A: Yes, you can change your Instagram password using a different device as long as you have access to the necessary email or phone number associated with your account. The process remains the same, regardless of the device used.

Q4: Will changing my Instagram password delete my account?

A: No, changing your Instagram password will not delete your account. It is merely a security measure to protect your account from unauthorized access. Your account and all its content will remain intact after changing the password.

Q5: Can I change my Instagram password using the Instagram app on my tablet?

A: Yes, you can change your Instagram password using the Instagram app on your tablet. The steps are the same as changing your password through the app on a smartphone.

In Conclusion

Having someone change your Instagram password without your permission can be a stressful experience. However, with the right knowledge and steps, you can regain control of your account and protect your privacy. In this blog post, we discussed four methods for changing your Instagram password, including via the website, app, two-factor authentication, and contacting Instagram support. We also provided additional tips and answered common FAQs to help you navigate this challenging situation. Remember to prioritize the security of your Instagram account by using strong passwords and regularly updating your recovery information.