How to Generate Qr Code of Connected Wifi without Password

Generating a QR code of a connected Wi-Fi network without revealing the password can be quite useful in various scenarios. It allows you to easily share your Wi-Fi credentials with others without having to manually enter the password. Whether you want to share your Wi-Fi details with guests, customers, or friends, using a QR code can streamline the process and save time. In this blog post, we will explore different methods to generate a QR code for a connected Wi-Fi network without disclosing the password.

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The Challenge of Generating QR Code of Connected Wi-Fi without Password

The challenge here is to generate a QR code that contains the necessary information to connect to a Wi-Fi network without exposing the actual password. This is important for security reasons as the password should always remain confidential. By creating a QR code that includes the network name (SSID) and encryption type, devices can automatically connect to the network without manually entering the password.

Things You Should Prepare for

Before we dive into the methods to generate a QR code of a connected Wi-Fi network without the password, there are a few things you should prepare:

1. A device connected to the Wi-Fi network: To generate the QR code, you need to be connected to the network that you want to share. Make sure your device is connected to the Wi-Fi network for which you want to generate the QR code.

2. QR code generator software or website: You will need a QR code generator tool or website that supports creating QR codes for Wi-Fi networks. There are various online platforms and mobile apps available that can generate QR codes for different types of data, including Wi-Fi networks.

3. QR code scanner: The recipient of the QR code will need a QR code scanner app installed on their device to scan and automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network. Most smartphones have built-in QR code scanning capabilities, or users can download a QR code scanner app from their respective app stores.

Now that you have everything prepared, let’s explore the different methods to generate a QR code of a connected Wi-Fi network without the password.

Method 1: Generating QR Code via Online QR Code Generator

Using an online QR code generator is one of the easiest methods to generate a QR code for a connected Wi-Fi network without revealing the password. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Open your preferred web browser and go to an online QR code generator website, such as or

Step 2: Look for the option to generate a Wi-Fi QR code. It may be labeled as "Wi-Fi" or "Wi-Fi network."

Step 3: Enter the necessary details, including the network name (SSID), encryption type, and, if required, the hidden network option.

Step 4: Leave the password field blank or select the option to omit the password in the generated QR code.

Step 5: Click on the "Generate" or "Create QR Code" button to generate the QR code.

Step 6: Download the QR code image and save it to your device.

1. Easy and convenient: Using an online QR code generator is simple and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.
2. No password exposure: The generated QR code won’t reveal the Wi-Fi password, keeping it secure.

1. No customization options: Online QR code generators may not provide advanced customization options like changing colors or adding logos to the QR code.

Method 2: Generating QR Code via Mobile Apps

If you prefer using your smartphone to generate QR codes, there are several mobile apps available that offer Wi-Fi QR code generation. Here’s how you can do it using a popular app called "QR Code Generator":

Step 1: Install a QR code generator app that supports generating QR codes for Wi-Fi networks. One such app is "QR Code Generator."

Step 2: Open the app and look for the Wi-Fi QR code generation option. It may be labeled as "Wi-Fi" or "Wi-Fi network."

Step 3: Enter the network name (SSID), encryption type, and, if required, the hidden network option.

Step 4: Leave the password field blank or select the option to omit the password in the generated QR code.

Step 5: Tap on the "Generate" or "Create QR Code" button to generate the QR code.

Step 6: Save the QR code image to your device.

1. Convenience on the go: Generating QR codes directly from your smartphone provides flexibility and convenience.
2. Offline availability: Some mobile apps offer offline QR code generation, allowing you to create QR codes even without an internet connection.

1. App-specific limitations: Different QR code generator apps may have varying feature sets and customization options.

Method 3: Generating QR Code via Command Line Tools

For users comfortable with the command line interface, there are command line tools available that can generate Wi-Fi QR codes. Here’s how you can do it using the "qrencode" command line tool on Linux:

Step 1: Open a terminal on your Linux system.

Step 2: Install "qrencode" if it’s not already installed. You can use the package manager of your Linux distribution to install it.

Step 3: Run the following command to generate the QR code:
qrencode -o wifi.png "WIFI:T:WPA2;S:MyNetwork;P:MyPassword;;"
Replace "MyNetwork" with your network name (SSID) and "MyPassword" with your Wi-Fi password. Omit the password field to create a QR code without the password.

Step 4: The QR code will be saved as "wifi.png" in the current directory.

1. Command line efficiency: Using command line tools can be faster for users comfortable with the terminal.

1. Requires knowledge of command line tools: This method requires familiarity with the command line interface, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Method 4: Generating QR Code via Programming

If you have programming skills, you can also generate Wi-Fi QR codes programmatically using programming languages like Python. Here’s an example using the "qrcode" Python library:

Step 1: Install the "qrcode" library if it’s not already installed. You can use the package manager of your programming language to install it.

Step 2: Import the necessary modules in your Python script:
import qrcode
from qrcode.constants import ERROR_CORRECT_L

Step 3: Create a function to generate the Wi-Fi QR code:
def generate_wifi_qr_code(ssid, password):
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
qrname = f
img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")
print(f"QR code saved as: {qrname}")
Replace "ssid" with your network name (SSID) and "password" with your Wi-Fi password. Omit the password field to create a QR code without the password.

Step 4: Call the function with the desired network name (SSID) and password:
generate_wifi_qr_code("MyNetwork", "MyPassword")

1. Customization options: Programmatically generating QR codes allows for advanced customization and automation possibilities.

1. Programming knowledge required: This method requires programming skills, making it less accessible for non-programmers.

Why Can’t I Generate QR Code of Connected Wi-Fi without Password?

There are several reasons why generating a QR code for a connected Wi-Fi network without the password may not be possible. Here are a few common reasons and potential fixes:

1. Security concerns: Revealing the Wi-Fi password through a QR code can compromise network security. To avoid this, it is recommended to generate QR codes without the password or share the password separately.

2. QR code reader compatibility: Some devices or QR code scanning apps may not support automatically connecting to Wi-Fi networks using QR codes. In such cases, it is necessary to enter the password manually.

3. Hidden networks: Generating QR codes for hidden Wi-Fi networks may require additional steps or specific QR code generator tools that support this feature.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to consider when generating QR codes for connected Wi-Fi networks without the password:

1. Test the QR code: Before sharing the QR code, test it on different devices and QR code scanning apps to ensure compatibility.

2. Keep the QR code secure: Treat the QR code as sensitive information and avoid sharing it with unauthorized individuals.

3. Provide alternative connection methods: In case the recipient’s device doesn’t support QR code scanning or automatic Wi-Fi connection, provide alternative instructions for manual connection.

5 FAQs about Generating QR Code of Connected Wi-Fi without Password

Q1: How do I know if a QR code contains the Wi-Fi password?

A: QR codes generated without the Wi-Fi password will not contain any information related to the password. Only the network name (SSID) and encryption type will be included.

Q2: Can I add a logo or custom design to the QR code?

A: The ability to add a logo or custom design to a QR code depends on the QR code generator tool or website you are using. Some platforms may offer this feature, while others may not.

Q3: Can I generate QR codes for public Wi-Fi networks?

A: Yes, you can generate QR codes for public Wi-Fi networks without disclosing the password. However, make sure to follow the terms and conditions set by the network provider.

Q4: Can someone scan the QR code and connect to my Wi-Fi network without my permission?

A: To connect to a Wi-Fi network, the user still needs to be in the range of the network and have the necessary permissions. Scanning a QR code alone does not grant unauthorized access to a secured Wi-Fi network.

Q5: Are there any limitations on the number of devices that can connect using a Wi-Fi QR code?

A: The number of devices that can connect to a Wi-Fi network using a QR code is typically not limited. However, the limitations are based on the capacity and capability of the Wi-Fi network itself.

In Conclusion

Generating a QR code of a connected Wi-Fi network without the password can simplify the process of sharing Wi-Fi credentials. Whether you choose an online QR code generator, a mobile app, command line tools, or programming, each method has its own benefits and considerations. By following the methods outlined in this blog post and keeping the additional tips in mind, you can easily generate QR codes for connected Wi-Fi networks without disclosing the password. Remember to prioritize network security and exercise caution when sharing QR codes with others.