How to Get Password Stored in Chrome

The world we currently live in is one where the only way to survive is to create and memorize several passwords. Every website we visit demands a new password; this means that we risk forgetting passwords easily. Forgetting a password can be frustrating, and in severe cases, can lead to loss of essential data. Over time, web browsers like Chrome have implemented a feature that stores and remembers passwords. If you use Chrome frequently to store passwords but somehow forget your password, there is a way to recover it. In this article, we’ll show you how to get the password stored in Chrome.

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The Challenge of Getting Password Stored in Chrome

When it comes to attempting to access your saved passwords in Chrome, you’ll find that Chrome’s settings interface provides a lot less choice than some third-party tools. There are only a few choices for managing saved passwords in Chrome, unlike the alternatives that provide additional features such as organizing passwords into groups, personalized tags for passwords, password generators, and more.

The main issue here is that you cannot see the password for a saved login without entering it, which means that if you are looking to retrieve or view a forgotten login password, there isn’t much use for those settings. Moreover, if the login information is auto-filled by Chrome, you may not even remember the detailed login information required to access the stored password.

Things You Should Prepare for

Before you attempt to retrieve a password stored in Chrome, you must first prepare the following items.

– A computer or laptop with Chrome installed.
– Basic computer knowledge.
– Administrative privileges to that computer or laptop.

Method 1: Via Chrome’s Settings

This method is the most straightforward way to view your Chrome passwords. Here’s how to do it.

1. Open Chrome and click the three-dot menu button present at the top right corner of your screen.
2. Select the "Settings" option from the drop-down menu that appears.
3. Scroll down the settings page and click the "Passwords" option in the "Automatic Forms" section.
4. Chrome will prompt you to enter your device’s authentication credentials. (This step is necessary to protect other users and hackers from accessing your saved passwords easily.)
5. After entering the credentials, you should be in the password manager tab. Here, you should see a list of saved passwords and their associated usernames for all of your saved accounts.

– Easy to use.
– No additional software required.
– Provides quick access to passwords.

– It may require you to access your laptop or computer to use.

Method 2: Using “PasswdFinder

PasswdFinder is a simple and straightforward tool for viewing saved passwords in Chrome, as well as many other web browsers. It saves you the stress of having to go through Chrome’s settings in search of saved passwords. Here’s how to access passwords using PasswdFinder:

1. Download PasswdFinder.
2. Install the downloaded application.
3. Open the application by running it.
4. Click the "Find Passwords" button.
5. PasswdFinder will then display a list containing all saved passwords from different applications on the system.

– Easy to use.
– Can retrieve passwords from many different applications.
– Can access passwords outside of Chrome.

– Third-party software can be problematic.

Method 3: Using the “BrowserPassView” utility

Another significant program to retrieve saved passwords in Chrome is the BrowserPassView utility. This program is accessible and can be downloaded from the web, and has several nice features to help you access your saved Chrome passwords effectively.

1. Download BrowserPassView.
2. Extract and run the downloaded executable. Ensure that you are running the 32-bit version of the program if you are running on a 32-bit operating system.
3. After extraction, the utility will start automatically, detecting Chrome by default.
4. Double-click on any password entry in the list to view the password for that account.
5. You can also see the saved password in details by double-clicking on any account information.

– Easy to use.
– Accessible online.
– Can view passwords in detail.

– Third-party software can be problematic.

Why Can’t I Get My Stored Password in Chrome?

There could be several reasons why you cannot access your saved password in Chrome. Here are the main reasons and the solutions:

1. You are attempting to access your password on a computer or laptop where you aren’t an administrator. Solution: Ask an Administrator to provide the necessary credentials.

2. You may have encountered a bug in Chrome. Solution: Update Chrome or try accessing your password from a different computer or laptop.

3. Chrome may not have saved the details of that particular website. Solution: Visit that site again and log in to prompt Chrome to save your login details.

Additional Tips

1. Always ensure that you do not share your passwords with anyone.
2. Use a password manager to store and organize your passwords effectively.
3. Avoid using the same login credentials for different websites.
4. Change your account passwords frequently.

FAQs about Getting Passwords Stored in Chrome

Q. Can I print my Chrome Passwords?

A. No. Chrome does not offer printing options for saved passwords. However, it may be possible to view the passwords and then copy and paste them into a word processor.

Q. Can I download my Chrome passwords and save them to a file?

A. No, you cannot download your saved passwords from Chrome in bulk. Chrome’s password storage is designed with user privacy in mind and protects saved passwords from hackers by encrypting them and requiring a user to authenticate before gaining access.

Q. Can I filter the saved passwords by application or website?

A. Yes, you can sort your stored passwords selectively by the website or application on Chrome’s password manager tab.

Q. Can I change the password itself from here?

A. Yes, you can change the password saved in Chrome by clicking on the account in the password manager tab and clicking the "edit" button.

Q. Can I delete my saved passwords?

A. Yes, you can delete passwords stored in Chrome in the settings tab by accessing the password manager and clicking the small trash can icon next to any login you want to delete.

In Conclusion

Passwords are a necessary and essential aspect of the internet. Chrome’s password manager helps make the process of remembering and managing passwords more comfortable. However, forgetting a password can have several undesirable consequences. Fortunately, we have provided you with three ways to regain your Chrome-stored passwords. You can choose the method that works best for you. Moreover, ensure that you always keep your login credentials safe and private.