How to Make Calls from Mac Using Android


Video Tutorial:

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to make a call from your Mac but you don’t have an iPhone nearby? No worries! With the help of some third-party apps and software, you can easily make and receive calls from your Mac using your Android phone. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps on how to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone.

The Challenge of Making Calls from Mac Using Android:

While making calls from your iPhone to Mac is an easy task with the help of native apps, it’s not the case when it comes to making calls from your Android phone to Mac. There are some third-party apps and software that allows you to make calls from your Android phone directly to your Mac. However, not all of them are reliable or easy to use. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some trusted methods that can help you make calls from your Mac using your Android phone.

Things You Should Prepare for:

Before we dive into the methods of making calls from your Mac using your Android phone, there are a few things that you should prepare for:

1. A Mac – Obviously, you need a Mac computer to make calls from it using your Android phone.

2. An Android Phone – You need an Android phone to set up some of the third-party apps and software that we’ll be using.

3. A Stable Internet Connection – Both your Mac computer and Android phone need to be connected to the internet for these methods to work.

4. A Headset or Speaker – To ensure that you’re able to hear and talk properly during the call, you may want to use a headset or speaker.

Method 1: Using AirDroid

AirDroid is a popular app that allows you to access and control your Android phone from your Mac computer. With the help of AirDroid, you can not only make and receive calls but also send and receive messages, access your phone’s files, and more.

Here are the steps to use AirDroid to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone:

Step 1: Download AirDroid on your Mac computer and Android phone.

Step 2: Sign up or log in to your AirDroid account on your Mac and Android phone.

Step 3: Connect your Android phone to your Mac using the USB cable.

Step 4: Open AirDroid on your Mac and click on the "Call" icon.

Step 5: Choose the contact you want to call from your phonebook or dial the number manually.

Step 6: Wait for the call to connect and start talking!

– AirDroid is a free app with lots of features.
– You can use AirDroid to access and control your Android phone from your Mac.

– You need to connect your phone to your Mac using USB, which may not be convenient for some users.
– The call quality may not be as good as making calls directly from your phone.

Method 2: Using Chrome Browser Extension

If you’re using Google Chrome as your default browser on your Mac, you can use the Chrome browser extension to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone.

Here are the steps to use the Chrome browser extension to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone:

Step 1: Download and install the "Vysor" extension on your Chrome browser.

Step 2: Download and install the "Vysor" app on your Android phone.

Step 3: Connect your Android phone to your Mac using the USB cable.

Step 4: Open "Vysor" on your Chrome browser and select your Android phone from the list of devices.

Step 5: Click on the "View" button to start controlling your Android phone from your Mac.

Step 6: Open the Phone app on your Android phone and make calls as usual.

– You can use the Chrome browser extension to control your Android phone from your Mac.
– You don’t need to have the Phone app installed on your Mac.

– You need to connect your phone to your Mac using USB, which may not be convenient for some users.
– The call quality may not be as good as making calls directly from your phone.

Method 3: Using Bluetooth

You can also use Bluetooth to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone. While this method requires a Bluetooth-enabled Mac and Android phone, it’s a convenient way to make calls without any cables.

Here are the steps to use Bluetooth to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone:

Step 1: Turn on Bluetooth on your Mac and Android phone.

Step 2: Pair your Android phone with your Mac using Bluetooth.

Step 3: Open the Phone app on your Android phone and make calls as usual.

Step 4: Select your Mac as the audio output device from the Bluetooth options on your Android phone.

Step 5: Wait for the call to connect and start talking!

– You don’t need any cables to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone.
– You can use any Phone app on your Android phone to make calls.

– Not all Macs or Android phones have Bluetooth capabilities.
– The call quality may not be as good as making calls directly from your phone.

Why Can’t I Make Calls from Mac Using Android?

1. No Native Support – Unlike making calls from iPhone to Mac, there’s no native support for making calls from Android to Mac.

2. Different Operating Systems – Mac and Android are two different operating systems that don’t communicate with each other without the help of third-party apps and software.

3. Hardware Limitations – Some Macs or Android phones may not have the necessary hardware to support making calls from one device to the other.


1. Use Third-Party Apps and Software – As we’ve discussed in this blog post, there are various third-party apps and software that you can use to make calls from your Mac using your Android phone.

2. Try Different Methods – If one method doesn’t work for you, try another one.

3. Upgrade Your Hardware – If your Mac or Android phone doesn’t have the necessary hardware, you may want to consider upgrading them to newer models that support making calls from one device to the other.

Additional Tips:

– To ensure that your calls are of good quality, make sure you have a stable internet connection and a good headset or speaker.

– Always make sure that you’re using trusted third-party apps and software to avoid any security risks.

– You may want to adjust the call settings on your Android phone to optimize the call quality.

5 FAQs about Making Calls from Mac Using Android:

Q1. Can I make calls from my Mac using any Android phone?

A1. Yes, you can make calls from your Mac using any Android phone as long as it’s compatible with the third-party apps and software that you’re using.

Q2. Can I make calls from my Mac using a Bluetooth headset?

A2. Yes, you can make calls from your Mac using a Bluetooth headset as long as your Mac and Android phone are paired using Bluetooth.

Q3. Can I make calls from my Mac using any Phone app on my Android phone?

A3. Yes, you can make calls from your Mac using any Phone app on your Android phone that allows you to choose the audio output device.

Q4. Do I need to have the Phone app installed on my Mac to make calls from it?

A4. No, you don’t need to have the Phone app installed on your Mac to make calls from it using your Android phone.

Q5. Are there any charges for making calls from my Mac using my Android phone?

A5. The charges for making calls from your Mac using your Android phone depend on your mobile carrier and data plan.

In Conclusion:

Making and receiving calls from your Mac using your Android phone may seem like a daunting task, but with the help of some third-party apps and software, it’s actually a convenient way to stay connected. While each method has its own pros and cons, you should choose the one that suits your needs the best. We hope that this blog post has helped you in making calls from your Mac using your Android phone.