How to Remove Protection From Excel Workbook without Password

In today’s digital age, data security is of utmost importance. Many individuals and organizations use Excel to store and manage sensitive information. One of the ways to protect this data is by applying a password to an Excel workbook. However, what happens if you forget the password? The good news is that there are methods available to remove protection from Excel workbooks without the need for a password. In this blog post, we will explore different methods to achieve this, ensuring that you can access your important data again.

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The Challenge of Removing Protection from Excel Workbook

Forgetting the password for an Excel workbook can be a frustrating experience. Without the password, you are unable to access or modify the data stored in the workbook. This can lead to potential losses or delays in important tasks. The challenge lies in finding a way to remove the protection from the workbook without knowing the password. Fortunately, there are several methods that can help you overcome this challenge.

Things You Should Prepare for

Before we dive into the methods, there are a few things you should prepare in order to successfully remove protection from an Excel workbook. Here’s what you’ll need:

1. An Excel file with password-protected workbook: You will need the Excel workbook that you want to remove the protection from. Make sure you know the location of the file on your computer.

2. A compatible version of Microsoft Office: The methods described in this blog post are applicable to different versions of Microsoft Office. Ensure that you have a compatible version installed on your computer.

3. Patience and persistence: Removing protection from an Excel workbook can be a time-consuming process. Some methods may not work in certain scenarios, so you may need to try different methods until you find one that works for you. Patience and persistence are key.

Method 1: How to Remove Protection from Excel Workbook Using VBA Code

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a programming language that allows you to automate tasks in Microsoft Office applications. In this method, we will utilize VBA code to remove the protection from an Excel workbook. Here’s how:

1. Open the Excel workbook that is password-protected.

2. Press "Alt + F11" to open the VBA editor.

3. In the VBA editor, click on "Insert" in the menu bar and select "Module". This will insert a new module into the workbook.

4. Copy and paste the following VBA code into the module:

Sub RemoveProtection()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
End Sub

5. Press "F5" or go to "Run" in the menu bar and select "Run Sub". This will execute the VBA code and remove the protection from the workbook.

6. Close the VBA editor.

7. Save the workbook.

1. Simple and straightforward method.
2. Does not require any additional software.
3. Works with most versions of Microsoft Office.

1. Requires basic knowledge of VBA programming.
2. May not work with complex workbook structures.
3. Removing the protection this way may not be secure, as anyone with knowledge of VBA can also remove it.

Method 2: How to Remove Protection from Excel Workbook Via Save As

This method utilizes the "Save As" feature in Excel to remove the protection from a workbook. Here’s how it works:

1. Open the Excel workbook that is password-protected.

2. Go to "File" in the menu bar and select "Save As".

3. In the "Save As" dialog box, choose a different location to save the workbook.

4. Change the file format to "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)".

5. Click on "Save" to save the workbook with the new file format.

6. Close the original password-protected workbook.

7. Open the newly saved workbook. You will notice that the protection has been removed.

1. Simple method that does not require any additional software.
2. Works with most versions of Microsoft Office.
3. Does not require any technical knowledge or programming skills.

1. Only works if the workbook does not have complex workbook structures.
2. May not work with older versions of Microsoft Office.
3. Does not retain the original file format and may cause formatting issues in certain cases.

Method 3: How to Remove Protection from Excel Workbook Using Online Tools

If the previous methods didn’t work for you, there are online tools available that can help you remove the protection from an Excel workbook. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Search for "remove protection from Excel workbook online" in your preferred search engine.

2. Choose a reputable online tool from the search results.

3. Follow the instructions provided by the online tool to upload your password-protected workbook.

4. Wait for the tool to process the workbook and remove the protection.

5. Download the newly generated workbook without the protection.

1. Easy to use and does not require technical knowledge.
2. Can be used on any device with internet access.
3. Works with most versions of Excel.

1. Reliance on third-party online tools may pose security risks.
2. May not work with complex workbook structures.
3. File size limitations may apply depending on the tool.

Method 4: How to Remove Protection from Excel Workbook Using Recovery Software

If all else fails, you can resort to using specialized recovery software to remove protection from an Excel workbook. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Search for "Excel password recovery software" in your preferred search engine.

2. Choose a reputable software that specializes in Excel password recovery.

3. Download and install the software on your computer.

4. Follow the instructions provided by the software to open your password-protected workbook.

5. The software will attempt to recover the password and remove the protection from the workbook.

6. Once the protection is removed, save the workbook.

1. Works even with complex workbook structures and strong passwords.
2. Can recover passwords for multiple versions of Excel.
3. Provides additional features for data recovery and repair.

1. Requires downloading and installing third-party software.
2. Some recovery software may not be free and require a purchase.
3. Recovery success may vary depending on the complexity of the password.

Why Can’t I Remove Protection from Excel Workbook?

There are several reasons why you may encounter difficulties in removing protection from an Excel workbook. Here are three common reasons and their respective fixes:

1. Reason: The workbook is password-protected using strong encryption.
Fix: In this case, you may need to use specialized password recovery software to remove the protection.

2. Reason: The workbook has complex workbook structures that prevent easy removal of protection.
Fix: Try using the VBA method described earlier, as it may be able to bypass complex workbook structures.

3. Reason: The workbook is corrupted or damaged, making it difficult to remove the protection.
Fix: Use a file repair tool or try opening the workbook in a different version of Excel to recover the data.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when removing protection from an Excel workbook:

1. Always make a backup copy of the original password-protected workbook before attempting to remove the protection. This ensures that you have a fallback option if something goes wrong.

2. If possible, try to remember or store the passwords for your Excel workbooks in a secure location. This will save you the time and effort of having to remove protection in the future.

3. Consider using password management software to securely store and manage your Excel workbook passwords. These tools make it easier to access and update passwords without the risk of forgetting them.

5 FAQs about Removing Protection from Excel Workbooks

Q1: Is it legal to remove protection from an Excel workbook without a password?

A: While removing protection from your own Excel workbooks is generally legal, it is important to respect intellectual property rights and only remove protection from workbooks that you have lawful access to.

Q2: Can I remove protection from an Excel workbook on a Mac?

A: Yes, the methods described in this blog post can be applied on both Windows and Mac versions of Microsoft Office.

Q3: Is there a risk of data loss when removing protection from an Excel workbook?

A: There is a small risk of data loss when removing protection. It is always recommended to make a backup of the original workbook before attempting to remove protection.

Q4: Are there any free online tools available to remove protection from Excel workbooks?

A: Yes, there are free online tools available. However, it is important to choose reputable and trusted tools to ensure the security of your data.

Q5: Can I remove protection from an Excel workbook if I don’t know the password?

A: Yes, the methods described in this blog post are specifically for removing protection from Excel workbooks without the need for a password.

In Conclusion

Forgetting the password to an Excel workbook can be a frustrating experience. However, with the methods described in this blog post, you can remove protection from your Excel workbooks and regain access to your important data. Remember to always make a backup copy of the original workbook before attempting to remove protection, and consider using password management software to securely store your passwords.