How to Save A Password Protected Excel File As Unprotected

In today’s digital world, password protection has become a common method to secure confidential information. It is a great way to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data stored in Excel files. However, there may be situations where you need to remove the password protection from an Excel file. This could be because you have forgotten the password or you no longer require the added security. In this blog post, we will explore different methods to save a password-protected Excel file as unprotected, allowing you to access and edit the file freely.

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Why You Need to Save A Password Protected Excel File As Unprotected

There are several reasons why you might need to save a password-protected Excel file as unprotected. Here are a few common scenarios:

1. Forgot the Password: It’s not uncommon to forget passwords, especially if you use multiple passwords for different purposes. If you are unable to recall the password for an Excel file, you will need a way to remove the password protection.

2. Collaborative Editing: Password protection in Excel files can hinder collaboration as it restricts access to authorized individuals only. By removing the password protection, you can allow multiple users to edit the file simultaneously.

3. Data Recovery: In some cases, you might encounter an issue with a password-protected Excel file that prevents you from accessing its contents. By saving the file as unprotected, you can attempt data recovery methods that would otherwise be impossible.

4. Compatibility Issues: Password-protected Excel files may not be compatible with certain applications or services. By removing the password protection, you can ensure seamless integration with other tools for data analysis and manipulation.

Method 1: Using Excel Built-in Functions

One of the simplest ways to save a password-protected Excel file as unprotected is by using Excel’s built-in functions. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Open the password-protected Excel file in Microsoft Excel.

Step 2: Click on the "File" tab in the top-left corner of the Excel window.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select "Protect Workbook" and then choose "Encrypt with Password."

Step 4: In the "Password" dialog box, delete the existing password and leave the field blank.

Step 5: Click on the "OK" button to remove the password protection.

1. Quick and easy method to remove password protection.
2. Requires no additional software or tools.
3. Does not require technical expertise.

1. Can only be used if you know the current password.

Method 2: Using VBA Macro

If you have forgotten the password for an Excel file, you can utilize VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros to remove the password protection. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Press "Alt + F11" to open the VBA editor in Microsoft Excel.

Step 2: Click on the "Insert" menu and select "Module" to add a new module.

Step 3: In the VBA editor, paste the following code:

Sub UnprotectWorkbook()
End Sub

Step 4: Press "F5" or click on the "Run" button to execute the VBA macro.

Step 5: The password protection will be removed from the Excel file.

1. Allows you to remove password protection even if you don’t know the password.
2. Can be used in various versions of Excel.
3. Provides flexibility and customization options for advanced users.

1. Requires basic knowledge of VBA macros.
2. May pose a security risk if used carelessly.

Method 3: Using Online Password Removal Tools

If you are unable to remove the password protection using the previous methods, you can turn to online password removal tools. These tools leverage powerful algorithms to decrypt password-protected Excel files. Here’s how you can use an online password removal tool:

Step 1: Go to an online password removal tool website like ‘’ or ‘’

Step 2: Follow the instructions on the website to upload the password-protected Excel file.

Step 3: The online tool will attempt to decrypt the file and remove the password protection.

Step 4: If successful, the tool will provide you with a download link to the unprotected Excel file.

1. Can be used even if you have forgotten the password.
2. No need to install any software.
3. Provides a convenient solution for non-technical users.

1. Requires an internet connection.
2. Security concerns as the file is uploaded to an external server.
3. May be limited by file size restrictions imposed by the online tool.

Method 4: Via Excel Password Recovery Software

If all else fails, you can consider using specialized Excel password recovery software. These tools utilize advanced algorithms to break the encryption and remove the password protection. Here’s how you can use Excel password recovery software:

Step 1: Download and install an Excel password recovery software like ‘Passper for Excel’ or ‘Stellar Password Recovery for Excel.’

Step 2: Run the software and select the option to remove the password protection.

Step 3: Follow the on-screen instructions to import the password-protected Excel file.

Step 4: The software will attempt to decrypt the file and remove the password protection.

Step 5: Once the process is complete, the unprotected Excel file will be saved to your desired location.

1. Effective for removing password protection from complex or lengthy passwords.
2. Offers a higher success rate compared to other methods.
3. Provides additional features and options for advanced users.

1. Requires installation of third-party software.
2. May incur additional costs for premium versions of the software.
3. Some software may have compatibility issues with certain versions of Excel.

What to Do If You Can’t Save A Password Protected Excel File As Unprotected

If you are unable to save a password-protected Excel file as unprotected using the methods mentioned above, here are a few fixes you can try:

1. Contact Microsoft Support: Reach out to Microsoft support for assistance with password-protected Excel files. They may be able to provide you with alternate methods or solutions.

2. Recreate the Workbook: If you have a backup or a copy of the Excel file without password protection, consider recreating the workbook by copying the data into a new file. This will allow you to work on the file without the need for a password.

3. Data Recovery Services: In extreme cases where the Excel file contains critical data, you can seek professional data recovery services. These services specialize in recovering data from password-protected or corrupted files.

Bonus Tips

Here are three bonus tips to help you manage password-protected Excel files:

1. Use Strong Passwords: When password protecting Excel files, always use strong and unique passwords. Avoid common words or combinations, and consider using a password manager to securely store your passwords.

2. Regularly Backup Your Files: Creating regular backups of your Excel files is crucial, especially if they are password protected. In case you forget the password or encounter any issues, having a backup will ensure you don’t lose important data.

3. Document Your Passwords: If you frequently work with password-protected Excel files, consider maintaining a secure and encrypted document to store your passwords. This will help you access the files when needed.

5 FAQs

Q1: Can I remove password protection from someone else’s Excel file?

A: No, you cannot remove password protection from someone else’s Excel file without their authorization. Password protection is designed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the file owner’s data.

Q2: Are there any legal implications of removing password protection from Excel files?

A: Removing password protection from Excel files that you are not authorized to access can have legal implications. Respect the privacy and ownership rights of others’ data and only perform password removal on files you have the rights to access.

Q3: Can password-protected Excel files be hacked?

A: While it is technically possible to hack password-protected Excel files, it requires advanced knowledge and techniques. By using strong passwords, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Q4: Does removing password protection affect the integrity of the Excel file?

A: Removing password protection from an Excel file does not affect the file’s integrity or data. It simply removes the encryption and allows you to access and edit the file without any restrictions.

Q5: Can password-protected Excel files be recovered if the password is lost?

A: If the password for an Excel file is lost and you cannot remove the password protection using the methods mentioned in this blog post, professional data recovery services may be able to help. They employ specialized techniques to recover data from password-protected or corrupted files.

Final Thoughts

Saving a password-protected Excel file as unprotected is a useful skill to have, especially in scenarios where the password is lost, collaboration is hindered, or compatibility issues arise. By following the methods discussed in this blog post, you can regain access to password-protected Excel files and continue working with ease. Remember to use strong passwords, regularly backup your files, and respect the privacy rights of others’ data.