How to Save Password Protected PDF without Password on Chrome

Saving a password-protected PDF file without the password can be a challenging task. Whether you’ve forgotten the password or obtained a PDF file with restricted access, finding a way to remove the password and save the file becomes crucial. In this blog post, we will explore various methods to help you save a password-protected PDF without the need for a password. We will discuss the steps involved in each method, as well as their pros and cons. By the end, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to access and save a password-protected PDF file effortlessly.

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What’s Needed

Before we dive into the methods, there are a few things you will need to proceed with the process. Here’s a list of the essentials:

1. Google Chrome browser: The methods discussed in this blog post are specific to the Chrome browser. Make sure you have it installed on your device.

2. PDF password-protected file: You should have the password-protected PDF file that you want to save without using the password.

What Requires Your Focus?

To save a password-protected PDF without the password on Chrome, you need to focus on the following methods:

1. Using Google Drive
2. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader
3. Using PDF Unlocker Tools
4. Converting PDF to Other Formats

Each method has its own benefits and limitations, so let’s delve into the details of each method and explore the steps involved.

Method 1. How to Save Password Protected PDF Via Google Drive

Google Drive provides a convenient way to view and edit various file formats, including PDFs. By using Google Drive, you can remove the password protection from PDF files. Here’s how to do it:

1. Sign in to your Google account and open Google Drive.
2. Click on the "+ New" button on the left-hand side of the screen and select "File Upload."
3. Choose the password-protected PDF file from your device and click "Open."
4. Once the file is uploaded, right-click on it and select "Open with" from the dropdown menu. Choose "Google Docs."
5. Google Drive will convert the PDF file into a Google Docs document. Now, click on "File" in the menu bar and select "Download" > "PDF Document."
6. The file will be downloaded to your device without the password protection.

1. Convenient and accessible through Google Drive.1. Quality of the converted document may vary depending on the complexity of the original PDF file.
2. Works well for simple PDF files with minimal formatting.2. May not be suitable for PDF files with intricate layouts or advanced features.
3. Does not require any additional software or tools.3. File conversion may result in minor formatting changes or loss of certain elements.

Method 2. How to Save Password Protected PDF Using Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader is a widely used software for viewing, editing, and modifying PDF files. It also provides options to remove password protection from PDF files. Here’s how to do it:

1. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device if you don’t have it already.
2. Open the password-protected PDF file with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
3. Enter the password when prompted.
4. Click on "File" in the menu bar and select "Properties."
5. In the Properties dialog box, go to the "Security" tab.
6. Click on the "Security Method" dropdown menu and select "No Security."
7. Click "OK" to save the changes.
8. The PDF file is now saved without the password protection.

1. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a widely used PDF reader.1. Requires installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader on the device.
2. Offers various features for PDF manipulation and editing.2. May not work with advanced or complex password protection.
3. Provides more control over PDF document properties and security settings.3. Password removal can be done only if you have the correct password.

Method 3. How to Save Password Protected PDF Via PDF Unlocker Tools

If you don’t have access to Google Drive or Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can use third-party PDF unlocker tools to save password-protected PDF files. These tools are designed specifically to remove password protection from PDFs. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Visit a reliable PDF unlocker tool website (e.g., Smallpdf, PDFUnlock, or iLovePDF).
2. Upload the password-protected PDF file by clicking on the "Choose File" or "Select Files" button.
3. The tool will start processing the uploaded file.
4. Once the process is complete, click on the "Download" button to save the unlocked PDF file to your device.

1. Wide range of online PDF unlocker tools available.1. Requires an internet connection to access the online tools.
2. Simple and straightforward process.2. Security and privacy concerns with online file uploads.
3. No need to install any software on your device.3. Quality and reliability of online tools may vary.

Method 4. How to Save Password Protected PDF by Converting to Other Formats

Converting a password-protected PDF to a different file format can be an effective way to bypass the password. By converting the PDF, you can access the content without the need for a password. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Use an online PDF to another format converter (e.g., Zamzar, Online2PDF, or Convertio).
2. Upload the password-protected PDF file to the converter by clicking on the "Choose Files" or "Select Files" button.
3. Select the desired output format (e.g., Word, Excel, or images).
4. Click on the "Convert" or "Start Conversion" button to initiate the conversion process.
5. Once the conversion is complete, download the converted file to your device.

1. Allows access to the content without the need for a password.1. Conversion may result in minor formatting changes or loss of certain elements.
2. Provides multiple output format options.2. Requires an internet connection to access online converters.
3. No password removal necessary.3. Quality and reliability of online converters may vary.

Why Can’t I Save Password Protected PDF without Password?

There can be several reasons why you may encounter difficulties in saving a password-protected PDF without the password. Here are a few common reasons and their fixes:

1. The file is encrypted using strong security algorithms: In this case, it may be challenging to save the PDF file without the password. You can try utilizing professional PDF password recovery tools or contact the file owner for the password.

2. Permissions are restricted: The PDF file may have specific permissions set by the file owner, preventing any modifications or saving without a password. Consult the file owner to obtain the necessary permissions.

3. Password protection is the intended security measure: Some PDF files are intentionally password-protected to prevent unauthorized access. In such cases, it is advisable to respect the file owner’s intention and seek permission or the password for viewing or saving the file.

Implications and Recommendations

While removing password protection from a PDF file may seem like a convenient solution, it is essential to consider the implications and recommendations associated with this action. Here are three suggestions to keep in mind:

1. Respect the file owner’s intentions: Password protection is often used to safeguard confidential or sensitive information. Before attempting to save or modify a password-protected PDF, ensure that you have the necessary permissions or consult the file owner.

2. Use secure methods for file sharing: If you receive password-protected PDF files, make sure to utilize secure file-sharing platforms or encrypted email services to maintain the privacy and integrity of the document.

3. Password management best practices: If you frequently work with password-protected files, it is recommended to establish good password management practices. Use unique, strong passwords and consider utilizing reliable password manager tools to securely store and manage your passwords.

5 FAQs about Saving Password-Protected PDF without Password

Q1: Is it legal to remove password protection from a PDF file?

A: Removing password protection from a PDF file without proper authorization or permission may violate intellectual property rights or privacy laws. It is always advisable to seek permission from the file owner before attempting any password removal.

Q2: Can I open a password-protected PDF if I don’t know the password?

A: Opening a password-protected PDF file without the correct password is challenging. However, you can try utilizing password recovery software or online tools to recover or remove the password. Keep in mind that the success of these methods may vary depending on the complexity and strength of the password.

Q3: Are there any risks associated with using online PDF unlocker tools?

A: Yes, using online PDF unlocker tools can pose security and privacy risks. The files you upload to these tools may be stored temporarily or permanently on their servers. It is crucial to choose reputable and trustworthy platforms and consider the sensitivity of the document before uploading it to any online tool.

Q4: Can I save a password-protected PDF as an image?

A: Converting a password-protected PDF to an image format can usually bypass the password protection. Once the PDF is converted to an image, you can save it without the need for a password. However, it’s worth noting that the resulting image may have limitations, such as the loss of text searchability or formatting.

Q5: What should I do if none of the methods work for saving a password-protected PDF without a password?

A: If none of the methods mentioned in this blog post work for you, it is recommended to contact the file owner or the creator of the PDF file. They may be able to provide you with the necessary access or permissions to view or save the file.

Final Words

Saving a password-protected PDF without the password can be a challenging task, but with the right methods and tools, it becomes possible. In this blog post, we explored four different methods, including using Google Drive, Adobe Acrobat Reader, PDF unlocker tools, and converting to other formats. Each method has its own benefits and limitations, so choose the one that suits your needs best. Remember to respect the file owner’s intentions and seek permission before attempting to save or modify password-protected PDF files. Keep in mind the implications and recommendations associated with removing password protection, and always prioritize security and privacy in your actions.