How to Set Password Never Expire on Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service provided by Microsoft. It allows organizations to manage user identities and access to various resources and applications. One of the security features in Azure AD is the ability to set password expiration policies for user accounts. By default, passwords in Azure AD expire after a certain period of time to enforce regular password changes and enhance security. However, there may be scenarios where you need certain accounts to have passwords that never expire. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why you might need to set passwords to never expire in Azure AD and provide detailed steps to accomplish this.

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Why You Need to Set Password Never Expire

There are several reasons why you might need to set passwords to never expire in Azure AD. Here are a few:

1. Service Accounts: Service accounts are used by applications and services to interact with Azure AD on behalf of users. In some cases, these service accounts require passwords that never expire to ensure uninterrupted access to the resources and data they need.

2. Legacy Applications: Some legacy applications do not support regular password changes or prompt users to change passwords. These applications may have hard-coded passwords or rely on service accounts with static passwords. Setting passwords to never expire for these accounts helps maintain access to the applications without causing disruptions.

3. Compliance Requirements: Certain industry regulations or internal policies may require certain user accounts to have passwords that never expire. This could be necessary for accounts with high-level privileges or sensitive information to ensure continuous access while still maintaining other security measures.

4. User Experience: For user accounts that do not have significant security risks, setting passwords to never expire can provide a better user experience by eliminating the need for frequent password changes. This can alleviate frustration and reduce the likelihood of users resorting to weaker passwords or writing them down.

Method 1: Setting Password Never Expire via Azure Portal

Setting passwords to never expire in Azure AD can be done through the Azure portal. Here’s how:

1. Login to the Azure portal ( using your administrator account.
2. Navigate to the Azure Active Directory service.
3. Select "Users" from the left-hand menu.
4. Search for the user account for which you want to set the password to never expire.
5. Click on the desired user account to open its details page.
6. In the details page, click on the "Profile" tab.
7. Scroll down to the "Password settings" section.
8. Toggle the "Password never expires" option to "Yes".
9. Click on the "Save" button to apply the changes.

Pros Cons
1. Easy and straightforward process. 1. Requires manual configuration for each user account.
2. No additional tools or software needed. 2. Can be time-consuming for large numbers of user accounts.
3. Changes can be easily reverted if needed. 3. Requires administrative access to Azure portal.

Method 2: Setting Password Never Expire via Azure PowerShell

If you prefer using Azure PowerShell for administration tasks, you can also set passwords to never expire using the following steps:

1. Open Azure PowerShell on your local machine or Azure Cloud Shell.
2. Run the following command to authenticate with your Azure AD account:
3. Run the following command to select the user account for which you want to set the password to never expire:
$user = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq ‘'"
Replace ‘’ with the User Principal Name (UPN) of the desired user account.

4. Run the following command to set the password to never expire:
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.ObjectId -PasswordPolicies "DisablePasswordExpiration"

Pros Cons
1. Suitable for scripting and automation. 1. Requires knowledge of Azure PowerShell.
2. Can be applied to multiple user accounts. 2. Additional setup and setup time required.
3. Provides flexibility in managing settings.

Method 3: Setting Password Never Expire via Azure AD Graph API

If you prefer working with APIs, you can utilize the Azure AD Graph API to set passwords to never expire programmatically. Here’s how:

1. Obtain an access token to authenticate your API requests.
2. Make an HTTP PATCH request to the following endpoint:
Replace {userId} with the object ID or user principal name of the desired user account.

3. In the request body, include the following JSON payload:
"passwordProfile": {
"passwordPolicies": "DisablePasswordExpiration"

4. Send the PATCH request with the access token as the authorization header.
5. Handle the API response to ensure the operation was successful.

Pros Cons
1. Offers programmatic control and automation. 1. Requires development skills and implementation time.
2. Can be integrated into existing systems and workflows. 2. Requires authentication and access token management.
3. Provides fine-grained control over configuration.

Method 4: Setting Password Never Expire via Azure AD PowerShell Module

The Azure AD PowerShell module provides additional cmdlets for managing Azure AD user accounts. With this module, you can also set passwords to never expire. Here’s how:

1. Install the Azure AD PowerShell module on your local machine.
2. Open PowerShell as an administrator.
3. Run the following command to connect to Azure AD:
4. Run the following command to select the user account for which you want to set the password to never expire:
$user = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq ‘'"
Replace ‘’ with the User Principal Name (UPN) of the desired user account.

5. Run the following command to set the password to never expire:
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.ObjectId -PasswordPolicies "DisablePasswordExpiration"

Pros Cons
1. Familiar PowerShell cmdlets. 1. Requires installation of the Azure AD PowerShell module.
2. Can be applied to multiple users. 2. Additional setup and setup time required.
3. Provides flexibility in management.

What to Do If You Can’t Set Password Never Expire

In some cases, you may encounter issues or limitations that prevent you from setting passwords to never expire in Azure AD. Here are a few potential fixes you can try:

1. Verify Administrator Permissions: Ensure that you have the necessary administrative permissions to modify password settings. Only administrators with specific role assignments can modify these settings.

2. Check Licensing: Certain Azure AD features, including the ability to set passwords to never expire, may require specific licensing. Confirm that your organization has the appropriate licenses to utilize this feature.

3. Contact Azure Support: If you are still unable to set passwords to never expire despite meeting all requirements, reach out to Azure support for further assistance. They can help troubleshoot the issue and provide guidance based on your specific scenario.

Bonus Tips

Here are three bonus tips to enhance your experience with setting passwords to never expire in Azure AD:

1. Regular Auditing: Even if passwords are set to never expire, it is essential to regularly audit and monitor user accounts for any security threats or unauthorized access. Implement a periodic review process to ensure security remains intact.

2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): To augment security for user accounts with passwords that never expire, consider implementing multi-factor authentication. MFA adds an additional layer of protection by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification during login.

3. Periodic Password Changes for Other Accounts: While some accounts may have passwords set to never expire, it is still recommended to enforce regular password changes for other accounts. Encourage users to choose strong and unique passwords and educate them on best practices for password management.

5 FAQs

Q1: Can I set passwords to never expire for all user accounts in Azure AD?

A1: Yes, you can set passwords to never expire for all user accounts in Azure AD by modifying the default password policy or creating a custom policy. This can be done using PowerShell or the Azure portal.

Q2: What are the security implications of setting passwords to never expire?

A2: Setting passwords to never expire can reduce the frequency of password changes but may increase the risk of unauthorized access if passwords are compromised. It is crucial to implement additional security measures such as strong passwords, MFA, and regular auditing to mitigate these risks.

Q3: Can I revert the password expiration settings for a user account in Azure AD?

A3: Yes, the password expiration settings can be reverted for a user account in Azure AD. By changing the settings to enable password expiration, users will be prompted to change their passwords after a certain period of time.

Q4: Can I set different password expiration settings for different user accounts?

A4: Yes, Azure AD allows you to set different password expiration settings for different user accounts. You can utilize custom password policies or configure the settings individually for each user account.

Q5: Can I bypass the password expiration policy temporarily for specific user accounts?

A5: Yes, you can temporarily bypass the password expiration policy for specific user accounts in Azure AD. This can be done by configuring a temporary custom policy or manually changing the settings for the accounts.

Final Thoughts

Setting passwords to never expire in Azure AD can be beneficial for specific user accounts that require continuous access or when compliance requirements dictate such settings. However, it is essential to implement additional security measures such as regular auditing, MFA, and periodic password changes for other accounts to maintain a robust security posture. By following the methods and tips outlined in this blog post, you can effectively configure password expiration settings in Azure AD to align with your organization’s needs and security goals. Remember to always prioritize security and stay updated with the latest best practices to protect user accounts and data.